Verdaccio is a lightweight private npm registry that can be run locally.
Clone the repo
I created a repo with the docker-compose file for running the application in the docker container.
Run the application:
Open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file, and run the following command:
cd verdaccio-docker-compose/ docker-compose up -d
Verdaccio will be accessible at http://localhost:4873
How to use the npm package manager
Get into the container
docker exec -it verdaccio sh
To publish your first package just:
- Create user
$ docker exec -it verdaccio sh
# This command will take you into the container
$ npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/
npm notice Log in on http://localhost:4873/ Username: balu Email: (this IS public)
Logged in on http://localhost:4873/.
- Go to the project to publish
mkdir nodejs-app cd my-nodejs-app echo "console.log('Hello, World!');" > app.js npm init -y node app.js
npm login --registry
npm publish --registry
Go To http://localhost:4873 and refresh you will see your package available
Stop the application:
To stop the running containers, use the following command:
docker-compose down