Jinna Baalu | Infrastructure Automation
Verdaccio is a lightweight private npm registry that can be run locally. Clone the repo I created a repo with the docker-compose file for running the...
caddy redirections This article helps you understand the caddy configuration for HTTP to HTTPS redirection in details configuration. Caddy Modern...
Low risk, high impact on billing I think you will agree with me, that reducing the AWS ebs price by 20%, is the low-risk activity of changing the EBS...
Healthy Kafka Cluster Get the under-replicated-partitions docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.0.0 kafka-topics --zookeeper...
Kafka Active Controller What is a Controller? The controller is one of the Kafka brokers, usually behaves like a normal broker, and has a controlling...
Pre-requisites Install Jhipster Stack - Local installation with NPM Install Docker - Ubuntu Install Docker Compose - Ubuntu Intro Demo on scaffolding...